COVID-19 and what we are doing about it.
This is a stressful time for many, the uncertainty, the confusion and conflicting information from different sources, but I just wanted to update you on our efforts to keep our employees and patients safe in regards to COVID-19 at our practices at Balanced for Life.
At Balanced for Life, we value our patients and our employees and want to communicate our commitment to their safety and well-being. As an organisation, we continue to follow all Australian Government Health recommended precautions to aid in preventing any exposure to COVID-19 or other flu viruses to our staff or patients.
Fortunately for everyone, our patients come to us because they are in PAIN and not because they are sick, which makes Balanced for Life a safer environment than hospitals and doctors' offices.
As part of our standard operating procedures at Balanced for Life:
We promise to:
1. Ask any staff that exhibit any symptoms, such as a cough, fever, or flu like symptoms to stay home
2. Continue to sanitise all tables, chairs, equipment after each patient use.
3. Sanitise/wash our hands before and after each patient interaction.
4. Sanitise door handles and common surfaces hourly.
We politely ask from you to:
1. Wash your hands a soon as you enter the clinic and sanitise hands afterward if necessary
2. Sit 1.5 meters from one another in the waiting room (we will have a few chairs outside, because fresh air is better :)
3. If you have been driven or have a family member with you, we ask that they wait outside or in the car
4. Stay home if you exhibit any symptoms, such as a cough, fever, or flu like symptoms 5. Let us know if you have travelled recently to high risk areas or have been in contact with a known COVID-19 case, please postpone your treatments till after the 2 week quarantine period.
We will continue to follow all Australian Government Health prevention recommendations and provide updates to our patients as new information arises.
The best practices you can do as an individual to prevent exposure is to:
1. Avoid contact with sick people.
2. Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth.
3. Stay home when you are sick.
4. Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds.
5. Cover your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing.
We are confident, and you should be, too, that at Balanced for Life we are following the best practices for the prevention of exposure or spread of the flu or COVID-19.
We look forward to serving you during this time.
All the best!
Dr. Lindy